Removing barriers to music education

Help those who really deserve

Our Values


Relationships and Community

Foster strong relationships among students, teachers, families, and the wider community. Encourage collaboration and a sense of belonging, reinforcing the importance of family and community support.

Our Values


Leadership and Empowerment

Empower students to take leadership roles and develop their confidence and self-esteem. Encourage self-expression through music, helping students to find and use their unique voices.

Our Values


Respect and Care

Promote an environment of respect, kindness, and care for one another. Encourage students to support and uplift each other, emphasizing the value of caring for others.

Our Values


Love and Passion

Instill a love and passion for music and cultural heritage in students. Encourage students to pursue their musical interests with enthusiasm and dedication, fostering a lifelong appreciation for the arts.

Our Values


Unity and Inclusivity

Promote unity and inclusivity within the foundation, ensuring that all tamariki feel valued and included.

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“Our desire is for all tamariki to discover the love of music like we did.”

Phillip & Andrew Upton

Founders, Upton Music School

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